
Red Mirror, 2022
Red Mirror, 2022


Date: Saturday, May 04, 2024 7 pm

Place: Werkhof Bistrica, Feistritz 31, 9143 Feistritz ob Bleiburg


voluntary donation

The Center for Choreography Bleiburg/Pliberk (CCB) is oppening the doors of Werkhof Bistrica for two italian artists. Samanta Malavasi and Giusy Cirillo will spend a week on site as part of a residency working on their project “ABITAREThe results of the residency will then be presented at the closing event on May 4th 4. Mai at 7 p.m. as a multidisciplinary installation , which combines dance and visual arts.

In fall 2023, the CCB invited artists to develop innovative concepts that deal with the central theme “ZEITWENDE”. Over 70 artist groups from all over Europe submitted their ideas, reflecting the high level of response and interest in the CCB's interdisciplinary work. The two artists were selected with their project “ABITARE”.

ABITARE“ reflects the shift in the concept of the home from social gathering places to digitally isolated environments. It thus visualizes contemporary isolation while inspiring us to rediscover the home as a place of encounter and connection and to create a more harmonious relationship with our domestic spaces.

Afterwards you will have the opportunity to speak with the artist and learn more about their creative processes and the background to their works.

Samanta Malavasi (IT) - visual arts

Samanta Malavasi, an Italian visual artist, innovatively explores layered monochromatic structures by imprinting paint onto diverse materials. Her abstract compositions span surfaces like plexiglass, PVC, canvas, paper, and plastic, showcasing a dedicated commitment to material experimentation and evolving studio techniques. The resulting works exhibit intricate, evolving patterns, creating a perpetual sense of growth and transformation. This organic intricacy adapts each line to its environment, mirroring the evolution of a living organism. The use of monochromatic palettes imparts purity and intimacy, suggesting introspective qualities in the artworks. Each piece, with heightened tactile quality, adds depth and complexity, urging closer examination. Samanta's large-scale creations immerse observers, disconnecting them from reality. Guided by her unique approach of imprinting paint, Samanta's works capture a single moment suspended within an enduring process of change and evolution. "Everything is layered. The beauty of time and impermanence offers possibilities for newness." The Berlin-based Italian artist, Samanta Malavasi, initially ventured into the arts as an author and illustrator of children’s books.

Giusy Cirillo (IT) - dance

Giusy Cirillo, an Italian contemporary dancer/performer based in Berlin, began her dance journey with ballet. After a pre-professional ballet course at the Accademia Coreutica with Elisabeth Hertel, she studied contemporary dance in Florence and entered the professional course at the Scuola del Balletto di Toscana with Cristina Bozzolini. At the age of 19, she started her professional career with the Compagnia ALTRADANZA (Bari, Italy), directed by Domenico Iannone, and at the same time she collaborated with Michele Merola and Mmdance for a choreographic residency. In 2017 Giusy moved to Berlin where she collaborated with various choreographers such as Constanza Macras, Svea Schneider, Angelo Petracca and Franka Marlene Foth. In Berlin, she worked on various art projects such as short films, music videos and brand campaigns. Invited by Johannes Blattner, she participated in a creative residency in Munich in 2019. In 2023, she initiated independent research for her projects, marking a new phase in her artistic exploration.  ihre eigenen Recherchen für ihre Projekte, was eine neue Phase in ihrer künstlerischen Erkundung markiert.